Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Anxiety
Last night, what an experience, with all the excitement in the room. The night went the way we planned it; the food smelled and tasted great, awards went well and the sounds and sights from the power point were the best thing of all. The food we had last night tasted so great that I can still feel the melted cheese on the top of the lasagna and all the emotion in the room made the hair on my arms stand up. When the athlete's name was called to get an award, the anxiety going through them couldn't have felt any better. The heart was pumping so fast that you want to slow it down, but the real fact is that you can't get your heart to quit the fast rhythmic beating. Flashbacks from the last four years flooded through my mind like a movie. It seemed so long ago that we all started grade 9, now all of a sudden we are in grade 12 and graduating. The peak of the entire evening came when my name was called for the Senior Athlete Above & Beyond Award. I didn't expect to be called up, so when I was in the drama room waiting for Mr. Killick to get my picture taken for the Officials Award and I heard my name, the air escaped from my lungs. My thoughts were racing as I made my way to the stage. The applause from the audience was thunderous in my ears, my legs felt shaky under me and I was at a loss for words. As the night ended the emotion in me came so quickly that tears sprang to my eyes and I realized that it was one of the greatest moments in high school. This memory will be saved in my mind forever.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ranting- Koby Bryant
Why does everyone think Koby Bryant is an awesome basketball player? Don't get me wrong he is great player but whats so great about him. He's not anything special, he scores lots of points every game, passes the ball, and is a great team leader. But don't you get sick of hearing all the comments you hear about him, he should be MVP. You know what I think, he should stop being such a ball hog and pass to his team mates and let them have a chance in scoring lots of points and maybe let someone else be a MVP, because I know Koby doesn't deserve it. You know who I think should get MVP, well if you read my last blog either LeBrone James, Derek Fisher or Rajon Rondo. Those are the players that should get MVP and not Koby Bryant. I know so many people like Koby as a basketball player and should get MVP but give me one reason why he should, and if it's because of all the things that I said at the beginning, well your wrong. Sorry if I insult anyone but Koby is so cocky that it's getting old to watch him play basketball. When I watch the Los Angeles Lakers and San Antonio Spurs, Koby complains about every little call that is on him and he thinks that it shouldn't have been him. That's why I don't like Koby Bryant because he's cocky and thinks he better than anyone that has ever played basketball.

Do you see what I mean? Koby Bryant complains about everything.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Basketball Players
The top three Basketball Players that I want to write about are Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Derek Fisher and Rajon Rondo. Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher both play for the Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron James plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers and Rojon Rondo plays for the Boston Celtics. I have picked this topic for a reason, its because all three teams have made it to the playoffs, all four players have scored a lot of points every game and they are all team leaders.
Firstly, lets start out with the Los Angeles Lakers. Derek Fisher is a great ball handler when he is one the floor, he scores lots of points in a game and goes hard to the basket when driving to the hoop. When Fisher is on the court or on the bench he is a great team leader. On the other hand Kobe Bryant is the most cockiest play I have ever seen on the court. Don't get me wrong he's a great ball handler, scores lots of points ever game that he plays and he's a team leader on and off the court. When ever I watch him play everyone in the crowned starts yelling MVP to Bryant. What I think is that he SHOULDN'T get MVP. I'm sorry for who ever likes Bryant for a basketball player but I just despise of him.
Furthermore, the Cleveland Cavaliers with LeBron James playing on that team. James is one of my favorite players in the basketball history, well there are two other players I like, but he's one of them. James is a great player all together on and off the court. He's a team leader, helps the rest of the players out by helping them at practice, scores lots of points for his team, but sometimes some of his games are really off and his team mates have to pitch in. The most favorite thing that I like about James is that when he is playing, he plays to the best of his abilities.
Lastly, the Boston Celtics and who plays for the no other than Rajon Rondo. As I watch the NBA games playing on TV Boston is playing against Detroit Pistons. They just finished playing their second game of the seres. Rondo is a great team leader where ever he is and scores lots of points. The one thing that I really like about Rondo is that when ever he has a double team on him, he can find the open player on the floor and get the ball to him. Rondo is another one of my favorite plays in the NBA playoffs.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Song Lyrics
"Holiday" written by Curtis Hudson and Lisa Stevens, sung by Madonna has really inspired me. Some of the lyrics that are in Madonna's song "Holiday" are true in many ways. When Madonna sign's "It's time for the good times/ Forget about the bad times, oh yeah", it is true. When you do go on a holiday and get away for a few day's, you want to forget about the bad times at home, but you want to remember the good times that you have had on this trip. "You can turn this world around/ And bring back all of those happy days/ Put your troubles down/ It's time to celebrate/ Let love shine/ And we will find/ A way to come together/ Can make things better/ We need a holiday." This means so much to everyone and not just me. When you are on a holiday you can put everything behind you, and everyone can turn the world around if they just believe it. You always should let love shine, because if you don't your love for someone else will change and will never be the same.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Connections between the novel "Candy" and the poem "An Addict I'm Not..."
An Addict I'm Not...© Randi Gray
*An Addict I'm Not... so he pushes me away hoping I won't see it, and lead him astray
*An Addict I'm Not... but I must still live the life dealing and coping praying one day he'll stop *An Addict I'm Not... maybe I feel it more knowing any moment, he could walk out that door *An Addict I'm Not... so I live all alone sure he's here beside me, but it's not him that's home
*An Addict I'm Not... so I deal with his lies the deceit and the pain and all the tear free cries
*An Addict I'm Not... thinking I could help one day my love will be enough, but it won't I can tell *An Addict I'm Not... I see the pain in his heart and the fear that grips his soul as he grabs for his pipe, and smokes one more bowl
*An Addict I'm Not... if only he could just see what I see in him and know he could someday be *An Addict I'm Not... so I watch from afar as he destroys himself a little more each day- Dear God please help him each night I'll continue to pray!
*Because An Addict I'm Not, but I must watch him be
Novel "Candy"
"An Addict I'm Not... so I live all alone sure he's here beside me, but it's not him that's home". I made a connection to the novel "Candy" while reading this poem. This quote describes how Joe feels when Candy and him are at the zoo. Candy and Joe were sitting and talking, when Candy had to go to the restroom. When she came out of the restroom she was a different person. Joe was standing there with her, but really he was all alone.The lines, "An Addict I'm Not... thinking I could help one day my love will be enough, but it won't I can tell" demonstrates the similarity between the novel and the poem. Joe takes Candy to the cottage his dad bought when Joe and Gina were little kids. Joe wanted Candy to stop taking drugs, become a normal person and have a great life. By the end of the novel Joe knows his love wasn't enought to help Candy, becuase she could't stop, she was addicted.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Journal #1 "Canday"
Quote: "I was thinking about these things, but I wasn't really thinking about them-they were just there, just floating around like dead leaves drifting on the surface of a pond."
For the last four years I have felt like this but I have never really been able to put it into words, and explain it very well. Thoughts have always been floating in my head and I have never really been able to say much about it, because its that instinct that you can't really say much to people that you know will understand.
In the novel "Candy", Joe is thinking about Gina and Mike getting married, what it would be like when Gina moves out, and if mom and dad will ever get married again and what if mom moves back in. Joe has all these thoughts in his head but he can never really understand them. He can't really say anything to anyone that he trusts because he doesn't really understand the thoughts himself. Throughout the novel Joe starts thinking about Candy, Joe doesn't really know Candy that well. When they get together and head off to the zoo in London, Joe starts to understand more about Candy because she is explaining more about herself to Joe than at their first meeting at McDonald's.
I think Joe is going to start to understand what Candy really is and what she does for a living. Joe in this case is not going to let Candy go all that easily but he is going to fight for what Candy could be, not what she is. I think Joe is going to help Candy with her problems.
For the last four years I have felt like this but I have never really been able to put it into words, and explain it very well. Thoughts have always been floating in my head and I have never really been able to say much about it, because its that instinct that you can't really say much to people that you know will understand.
In the novel "Candy", Joe is thinking about Gina and Mike getting married, what it would be like when Gina moves out, and if mom and dad will ever get married again and what if mom moves back in. Joe has all these thoughts in his head but he can never really understand them. He can't really say anything to anyone that he trusts because he doesn't really understand the thoughts himself. Throughout the novel Joe starts thinking about Candy, Joe doesn't really know Candy that well. When they get together and head off to the zoo in London, Joe starts to understand more about Candy because she is explaining more about herself to Joe than at their first meeting at McDonald's.
I think Joe is going to start to understand what Candy really is and what she does for a living. Joe in this case is not going to let Candy go all that easily but he is going to fight for what Candy could be, not what she is. I think Joe is going to help Candy with her problems.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Ignorance Is Bliss
After reading the short story, "Blood letting and Miraculous Cures", I have become more aware of how people in uniform or of authority are putting themselves in front of others needs. An example from the short story was when Eli's head was cut open and the police officers needed Eli to be fixed up immediately so that they could take Eli to the police station. Although there were several other people in front of the police officers they felt they should be served first. Another example is when I need help and I asked my parents before my brother or sister yet my parents always seem to help them first. As a result I'm stuck doing my work all by my self, and having no clue what I need to do next. It has made me more aware in today's society that people feel the need to be first and are not happy waiting their turn.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Canadain involvement in Afghanistan!!!!
My thought's on the Canadian involvement in Afghanistan is very good. The Canadians should be involved in many of other issues as well. We should not just be in one war but in many other ones as well. When I read one of the letter's that Mrs. Searcy gave us today, it really got to me and how these Canadian’s are trying to help out in other countries and not just ours, because they are realizing that we are not just by our self’s, but that we can help out several other people in the world. In one of the letters the girl said, "there is nowhere else that I'd rather be right now," that say's numerous things to other people when they read this letter, and when she send's it home to her family. Also it nice when she talk's about her getting a new house when she get's back home and that she is going to be happy, and how she is going to work in several different places and not just sit around and think why she was in Afghanistan, and what the point was. She is looking at it in different perspectives and not just hers, and she realizes that when this is all over that she is going to be able to see her family and that everything is going to be back to normal. Canadian’s getting involved in Afghanistan is a very good idea and I think that we should be getting involved as well, and not just the people fighting but what we can do to help everyone around us.
A Girl's Slory - Ending
As they are on the riverbank and Michael is fishing he caches the ring. He hands the ring to Linda and they fall in love at first sit. As the day goes on Linda know she had to go back to Gregg, and tell him that she doesn't love him anymore. As she's wondering home Gregg had been out drinking with is friend's waiting for his love, Linda, to come home? As Gregg walked in the front door Linda was waiting for him and to tell him what had happened, when she was at the riverbank. As Linda explained ever thing to him and how she didn't want to marry him anymore, Gregg was listening but now really hearing everything Linda was saying. After Linda had finished saying all that she had to tell him, she got all her stuff together and headed out of the house. When Linda left the house she realized that she had no place to go. As she was walking on the sidewalk, Michael was driving by and asked what she was doing with all her cloths and walking in the middle or the night. As she told Michael what she had told Gregg, Michael then realized that Linda had no place to stay the night. So Michael said that she was more than welcome to say at his place, she considered and Michael drove her back to his place. The next day arrived so early and as Linda woke up she didn't really remember where she was. Then she realized that Michael took her to his place and she stayed the nice, because Linda told Gregg everything that happened at the riverbank. When she got out of bed and was making some coffee, Michael walked into the kitchen. When the coffee was ready, they both sat down at the table. Michael had pulled the ring out of his pocket, went on to his knee and asked Linda to marry him. Linda had to think about this for a long time, because he was really confused about the whole thing with her just telling Gregg she didn't want to marry him anymore, and that she just spent the night at some person's house that she meat for one day. Linda thought really hard about this and what she should say to Michael. When she got back to Michael's house she said that she had thought about it as hard as she could, and you can all guess what she said. Linda said yes to marry Michael. When she was thinking about it when she was at work she realized that she had some much fun at the riverbank with him, and that Gregg wouldn't have time to have a nice pick neck with her at the riverbank. When she told Michael that she wanted to marry him, she know that she would never be alone for the rest of her life, and that she would have someone to talk to when she need someone there. She was happy with the answer that she gave Michael. A few months went by; Linda and Michael were getting ready for the wedding. The wedding was going to be a small one, not that many people, and family only. They thought where the wedding was going to talk place, thought for a long time on this and then they thought that it should be on the beach with the sun setting. It was the most romantic wedding you could have ever had. As they got married that day, they were so happy with the whole thing and that they were going to live happily ever after.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Blogging in Class
For the blog I would like to be able to write about numerous topics. I would love to put a blog up that everyone could share ideas about, and that we could get opinions from everyone in the class. I would like to write about how friends impact our lives and what they mean to each of us. I would enjoy writing about sports; about little things that are important to you and how you can’t let them go; also about graduation, spring break. I think you should mark some of the blog’s that you ask us to write, but only the ones that you give the topic on. The exam could be used to mark these examples. If you give us an open topic then we should be able to express ourselves and not be marked for what we are writing about. I also need time to think about what I am writing because I need the time to get the topic in my head. Marking every blog would be too much, and I think if you mark every blog then some people might think that we are not doing so well with paragraphs and essays. We should be marked on only a few blog’s and then we don't think that we aren't doing so well with our writing. Whatever topic you give us I am more than happy to write about, but I would need more time, because I would need to think about it and then brain storm.
Monday, February 11, 2008
My Super Powers
If I had any Super Powers in the world it would have to be reading people's minds. Reading mind's would be the best super power that anyone could ever ask for. You could just look at them and think what they are thinking, then you dont have to ask them a question that you were going to ask them. Having mind powers would be the greatest super powers anyone could ever ask for.
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